I know you may find this surprising but the other day I was thinking about my life and somethings I have accomplished. This thought process is coming from the recent SPC fall retreat! It occurred to me that I have been attending a fall retreat for the last 15 years. Between my time at FCS and with the gang at Spotsy, wow that is a lot of retreating. That means I have heard 60 retreat "talks" (man you would think I would have gotten things by now). I have eaten 75 retreat meals, some so much better than others (concord is way up there). I can't even begin to comprehend how many miles I have put in driving, riding a cheese wagon, playing football or other silly games like ultimate cabbage (this last retreat I tried for a record of 3 hours of playing four square, call me insane), or the lack of sleep that occurs. Thankfully only once was I a c0-program
director (once is all that they will get) and numerous times watch my hubby get some laughs! Of all these things nothing compares to the chance to make a difference in someones life or the other way around. So here's to another High School retreat and the many more to come!!!
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