Thursday, March 1, 2007

Go Grizzlies!

Over the President weekend (Feb. 16-19th) the Kvasagers along with the Grizzlies hockey team came out to D.C. to conquer a hockey tournament (up in Reston,VA). Tim and I had fun chillin (literally chillin) in a ice rink for most of the time, cheering on our favorite Grizz #4 and the outstanding coach of the Grizzlies! We played tour guide in D.C. as we ventured on the metro to the Spy Museum. Of course we had to eat Chinese food along the way in Chinatown (dah). Peggy and Mak came down to the Burg for a night to meet Dusty and visit the homestead and spend my BDay with me! The Grizzlies ended up with a third place finish for the weekend and hopefully had tons of fun!


The Thomas Trio said...

I missed your birthday again!!! I am such a moron! Happy 30something late. Still love ya!

Anonymous said...

thanks for letting me pick my nose in public hoser! pk