Thursday, March 26, 2009

Laziness and whatnots

I have no excuse for not blogging for a month.....I could make up a cool one though;  spending way too much time on Facebook, bunny sessions at work, making three wedding albums at one time, catching up on missed sleep, playing with baby dolls (with my daughter of course, but the other day I was playing with the fisher price stuff without her), baking cookies once a week for a hair studio, hanging out with middle school girls and eating fundue, providing parents at SPC a night to themselves, going to visit friends and Potomac Mills trips, reading a book then getting into the next one to not lose any time, gloating in my 14 out of 16 picks on my bracket, Sunday night small group at SPC (love you girls), spending time with college students home on Spring break, still trying to figure out my new MAC,  listening to my daughter sing her ABC's and the theme song for Larry Boy and lastly just having no time (that is a great excuse)!

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