Alyse and I went on our very first mother daughter road trip to VA beach to visit the Harkin gang last Friday. Ashley was a F'Burg roommate (until Mike swiped her off her feet), dear friend and one of our bridesmaids. Tim went up to PA to speak at a middle school retreat so we retreated ourselves! Thankfully we stopped on the way down for refreshments (coffee for mom and bottle for Alyse) since it took about 2 hours just to get through the beach area, stupid traffic. Oh well, we made it and had a great time. Some the Harkins weren't 100% in the feeling good department but they still were fun to hang around! The last time I visited the Harkins, Korinne was around Alyse's age, wow time flies! Alyse and Austin have the same initials so once we betroth her to them she won't have to change them! Thanks Harkins for allowing us to invade your home and putting up with us!

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