Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Weeks to follow

After our first week together and many many poopy diapers we have had many good times in Juneau. We have had the chance to meet some really neat people who live in the area and are friends with Aunt Amy. On May 20th I got the awesome chance to go on a Wilderness Tour to see Alaskan Wildlife, whales and such (see the slideshow below). The day couldn't have gone any better, the weather was perfect we saw many whales, Alyse slept and was very good. Afterwards since the weather was nice we went out to a "block party" to meet the Meade girls (who ended up being my first babysitters). During the week I had my two week check up with Dr. Amy and I was weighing 8lbs 8oz and I was 20 3/4 inches long. We had another great opportunity on the 24th to watch a Tlingit ceremonial
dance and I was asked to take pictures for the event. The group did this for the tourists coming to Juneau and it was quite a site. Aunt Amy bought Alyse a Veggie Tale book and we were very glad to see that she really enjoyed it! On memorial day we took the tram in Juneau up Mt. Rogers to look down on Juneau, walk through snow and enjoy God's creation. Then the sad day came in which (May 31st) I had to leave to go back for a week. I knew that Alyse is was in great hands, everyone I met here is more than capable of being a great babysitter and who else would you want your kido with than Auntie Dr.Amy.
My Wildlife Cruise
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