Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Official, welcome to the Zoo

Monday, July 6th was a big day for the Habby Family (not to mention it was YaYa's birthday)!  It is year number two for adopting Alyse, Happy Gotcha Day and that means she is 100% ours!  We are excited to know our little Tlingit is here to stay.  To celebrate the occasion we, 
with Aunt Peggy, took our little Alaskan beauty to the z
oo in Richmond (what a better to way to say "welcome to the family zoo"). It was a great day and the zoo was just the right size for our first visit.  Alyse enjoyed the monkeys, the fish swimming 
 in the moat around the monkeys and the best part was feeding the giraffes.  Unlike her mother she had no problem sticking her hand
out with the food for eating (their tongues were very long and slimy).

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