Saturday, May 23, 2009

Exploring New Things

Sometimes you just have to sit back in amazement about God's handiwork. I am still in awe of how He added to our family! Tim and I wonder what her likes and dislikes will be and we've gotten to explore those areas a little more lately (playing drums, guitar, surfing and drawing in new places) and hopefully explore the potty a little more! We even held a frog that the neighbor boy caught and was taking care (torchering) of it. Our little explorer loves to watch the frog that lives in our front pond, pretend like she is driving to church (when she plays in the car, I ask her where she is going and it is always church) and take care of her babies. She was even trying to get her Abby doll to use the potty but much to her dismay Abby fell in (yes I had to go rescue her from drowining in the potty). Thank goodness Abby is used to getting wet and we had no problem giving her a bath ( I didn't get any pics of that one).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Turning Two

Oh my, where has the time gone! I know someone told me that these years will fly by but I now know what that is like! Seems like yesterday I was flying out to Alaska to meet a beautiful baby girl and now we are celebrating Two Years! We are so blessed to have a fun, smart, energetic and loving little Alaskan! To celebrate the occasion we drove up to PA for the weekend. It was great to be with family, Alyse enjoyed loving on YaYa, PaPa (we mean many hugs and kisses). Saturday night the whole Habecker gang (minus the Martins) were treated for dinner out, which was a lot of fun and Alyse was very well behaved! Sunday the whole gang came over and we had a BBQ in honor of the two year old and Mothers! Alyse got some loving from the cousins, Aunt's and Uncles and really enjoyed blowing out the candles (which we did several times) eating her birthday cake (made by one of the best young cake bakers we know, Miss Emily from the youth group), opening presents and being spoiled! On her actual Birthday (Monday) we drove 2 minutes down the street for time at the park. I am not sure who enjoyed it more, the four adults or the two year old. Thank you to everyone who has been with us on this great journey of parenthood, can't wait to see what is in store for year #2