Alyse is a word machine! Watch out world we have a chatter box on our hands! Each day I swear (not bad words) she has a new word. Her latest have been; home, neigh, toad and please. She is so fun to have around. When we are in the car she loves to rattle off her list of names; steve, nana, bobby, amy, mommy, daddy, meme, che che, papa and her latest is Ally (one of our youth group girls). This is also a fun time to teach her new names, so don't worry I am trying. Of course there is much anger when something has to leave her possession, that is not so fun! One of her newest things is when we say "bye" to someone she immediately says "bye". Yesterday I finally heard it on the phone when I called Tim and it made me smile (and get a little teary, softy)! Every time I make something she always wants me to pick her up, which she says "up". So I finally got smart and Tuesday when I was making pizza , I gave her a chair and the pictures tell the rest of the story!