Two weeks ago we had the opportunity to introduce Alyse to the beach and spend time with family. We drove down to South Carolina after I got off work (Jo) and 7 1/2 hours later we were greeted by Uncle Billy, Grandpa, MeMe and Cousin Abbyanne. This of course made a little tired girl not so sleepy. Thanks to Uncle Billy we had a couple hours of sleep before someone was
too excited to sleep and wanted to venture out to the beach (6:30 am). So to keep peace in the home Alyse (in her PJ's) and my keen sense of direction went in search of the great white. It was love at first sight and it made the lack of sleep worth it all! At first I felt guilty that Dad wasn't with us but we didn't go in the water so we would allow him the pleasure of enjoying that first experience. Boy did she love that too! We had no problem with the sand on the feet, the waves at our face and the taste of the "spicy water" (that is what Abbyanne called it).

Speaking of Abbyanne, she also loved the water and had manycool rides on the waves
. Her Dad was a great help finding the best waves to ride on and they had a great time together.
Despite the long drive the trip was way worth it and everyone had a great time!

Thanks Grandpa, MeMe, Aunt Ching, Uncle Billy and Abbyanne!
We love you!

Love that b & w of Alyse holding Tim's hands. That better be on a wall or in a show soon!
awww...that's totally sweet. i love the abby in waves picture...i'm glad alyse loves the ocean--another part of her hertiage!! what a trooper--what great parents for exposing her to such wonders...
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