These past few weeks we have experienced several firsts in the adventures of Alyse! One of them was saying a word, clear as day. I heard some noises coming from the bottom region and I thought hum someone is doing a number 2. I said to this someone, "poo poo" and what came back to me was "poo poo". Ah my daughters first clear words are poo poo! Some of you are thinking that is so appropriate for my child and I do have to laugh at the one.
Well that may not go down in the books, Yipes! We will say that her first words were ruff ruff.
The second first was last night Alyse attending her first concert and loving it! She danced, clapped, crawled and had a blast (our little future rock star). The band 10th Ave North played at FCHS and of course we had to go and see Mike and the gang.
The third first was the graduation of Daine William (who is Alyse's cousin and Jo's Nephew)
He graduated from Fossil Ridge High School (in the good ole Fort)! Wahoo, way to go!

The fourth first was the Birthday party! It was a first having to

make cupcakes and Birthday cake and it may be our last (we'll hire Todd for the occasion). It ended up being a perfect day! No one got lost finding the Gulatsi farm (all the cousins came down from PA), the weather was outstanding, no kid fights and Alyse survived the party. The kids entertained themselves by swinging, sliding and eating! Alyse opened her gifts, hung out with the guests, ate her cupcake (North Douglass I might add) and took one long nap after the festivities were over! Thanks to all who made the day a huge success and Auntie Bethie and all her fam with the planning, decorating and eats! Enjoy some of the pics from the day!

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