It was such a blessing to home for Alyse's First Christmas even though we did miss our families. I don't know who got more overwhelmed Alyse or us on the big day.

Dusty even got to join in on all the fun!

We had challenges trying to get her to sit down and at least take a picture with her presents. She did finally rip open one only to put

what she ripped into her mouth. We were so thankful for all the gifts she received and some of them she didn't have the patience for us to open them. We saved some gifts for later in the day which we believe was a great idea. Thanks to the Herl's we had an outstanding Christmas dinner! Later in the week we traveled up to PA for

Habecker Christmas and once again we were blessed with gifts, good food and family.

Alyse enjoyed her cousins so much that it was a big effort to go to bed!

She got to hang out with her second cousins while we were there and meet some of Dad's, Gramma and Grampa's church friends.
For New Years we laid low and stayed home. Dad got out his guitar and Alyse enjoyed singing and playing with dad, her first lesson!

The Holt gang came over and played with us in the afternoon and had a scrumptious New Years dinner!

To top of the night Santa made an appearance at our first bubble bath, or is that a bearded Alyse! Thanks to everyone we love for making this first Holiday such a treat to all! Happy New Year!