Friday, August 10, 2007

A Dream Come True...

Maybe you don't know this about me, but I have always had a thing for the Oscar Mayer wienermobile. Yes, I know you are saying to yourself, she doesn't even eat hot dogs (only at ball games), but it is true I love the wienermobile. I have a matchbox mobile and I have an Christmas ornament of the mobile! This week I got to see it in person!! Believe it or not it came to Fredericksburg! Of course I had to go see it and bring Alyse along to experience the fun. So here it is, all of us with the wienermobile! Enjoy


The Thomas Trio said...

Truly scary that you have fulfilled this creepy lifetime dream. Wierdo!!

Anonymous said...

i say YEAH!!! for wienermobiles...they rock!! now onto spammoblies...