Eat your hearts out Chocolate lovers!
Tim couldn't have thought of a better way to spend our 6th anniversary then at Hershey's! If you don't know the traditional gift

for the 6th anniversary is candy or iron. My creativity lead to buying an Ironman watch for Tim and his idea was to take me to Chocolate World (drooling even as I type). This is the 100th Anniversary of the kiss...ahhhh..Hershey Kisses that is and so they had tons of Kisses for Sale! We

took the tour through the Chocolate making process and received our free kisses at the end. While we were leaving I was asked if I had ever tried their Cookies and Cream candy bar. Have I ever tried the luscious White Milk Chocolate with the yummy crushed cookies, heck ya! So the lady took us to a secret place to perform a taste test! It was very interesting that you could tell one was scrumptious and the other belonged in the trash. Along with our visit to the world of heavenly smells, we went to the Hershey's history museum and learned a lot of interesting facts about the Hershey's. Tim informed me that his family is related to the Hershey's way back (some how with Milton's mom), how cool is

that! Too bad we don't get a share of the fun!! After our time in the park we ventured out to the town, found a very nice place to have lunch and they had the best desserts, so it was a very sweet anniversary if I say so myself. The only "bad" part of the day (which there really wasn't)is the fact that it

snowed! Not so sweet in my book.

1 comment:
YUUUUMMMM!!! Chocolate?!?! I'm so jealous! I remember Hershey Park- only the most amzing place to get chocolate!! Y'all better be having fun, cuz you're missed back at SPC (even if some may not admit it ;))
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