Alyse and I had the great adventure of heading out west for a week, to meet Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, reunite with Nana and Aunt Amy and of course attend Uncle Billy and
Aunt Ching's wedding celebration! Flying with Alyse was much easier when she first took air (coming home from AK) but we managed and no one asked us to be quiet! She was quite the trooper both coming and going! It took us both a while to get used to the altitude and dryness( poor Alyse had very dry checks, both ends). We did a lot of prep work for the wedding during the week and did alot of chilling with family members, including the 5 dogs that were there! On the "big" day we woke up to snow on the ground! Alyse loved watching it fall (it was the first time she saw it fall but not the first snow experience). Luckily I had been prepared for anything since I packed way too many clothes for the little one. Despite the snow, the wedding was successful and fun!
Ching was gorgeous and Billy wasn't too bad himself! Abbyanne did a great job as the flower girl and Daine as the best man! Amy and I took on the duties of photographer and thankfully Peggy and Nana took Alyse. It was a fun event and I was very thankful that we were able to attend!